Monday, July 12, 2010

Snow Cones: They Made It Fancy!

Here in New York, it's been so hot these past few weeks you can barely hop on your bike without sweating right through your spandex! Don't you wish there was a way for the discerning foodie to cool off?

Sure, you could go find yourself a snow cone... that is, if you'd like to brave throngs of smelly, pudgy, barefoot children, only to be handed a
syrupy mess! But luckily for us, the artisans of America have taken another lowbrow treat from declasse to gourmet. As the Times says: "This is shaved ice, and it is a game-changer."

So say goodbye to artificial cherry flavoring, and treat yourself some locally sourced watermelon-basil instead! I don't know about you, but I'm going to head straight from my Ashtanga Yoga class this afternoon to try one of these delightful, cheeky takes on a summertime classic. Snoballs, Kakigori, Raspados... just don't call them Snow Cones anymore. Why? Because:

They Made It Fancy!!!

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